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The best champions for the top lane
League of Legendsusually publishes about four to five new champions per yearand if you’re playing top lane, it’s important to know the best characters for that role. Similar to other MOBAs, top lane is a solo lane where you’ll need to take on enemies and get a head start by farming as much as possible. You’ll also need to participate in team fights to challenge tanks and do general crowd control.
In a normal League of Legends game, the players are divided into Teams of five peoplewith two players in the bottom lane, one in the middle lane, one in the jungle and one on the top lane. With more than 160 champions, it is difficult to know which one to choose for which lane, especially for new players. Even experienced league Players sometimes find it difficult to choose a champion, especially when champion builds can change.
The best champions for the top lane
Choose between Bruisers, Tanks and Duelists
When you first load a League of Legends game, you will be asked to select a champion you want to play with. League of Legends Game lasts approx. 30-45 minutesalthough it is not uncommon for a match to last longer. If you are in the top lane, then you should Choose between a Bruiser, Tank or Duelist. To make it easier for you, here is a ranking of the best top lane champions and their placement:
S+ |
Nasus |
Mordekaiser |
Malphite |
Aurora |
Aatrox |
S |
Urgot |
Warwick |
poppy |
Yorick |
Gwen |
Know |
Sett |
Dr. Mundo |
Ferment |
Camille |
Illaoi |
Irelia |
Volibear |
Renekton |
A |
Zac |
Cassiopeia |
Clothing |
Olaf |
Wukong |
Riven |
Ornn |
Tryndamere |
Vladimir |
Quinn |
Vayne |
Da Cho’Gath |
B |
Shen |
Pantheon |
S K’Sante |
o’Gath |
Gangplank |
Kaylee |
K’Sante |
Teemo |
Akali |
Yasuo |
Udyr |
Xin Zhao |
Heimerdinger |
C |
Rumble |
Trundle |
Varus |
Scorched |
Skarner |
D |
Lucian |
Smolder |
Sion |
Tahm Kench |
Jax |
Gnar |
Jayce |
You |
Gragas |
Fiora |
Nasus and Aatrox are popular picks that many players in lol Choose for the top lane. Although they are less common, top laners also have fun playing as Lucian, Jayce, or newbies like K’Sante. In the middle of the list you will find champions like Urgot, Wukong, and a split laner like Garen, all of which have their own advantages. For example, Wukong’s ultimate is Cyclone, the Throws enemies into the air and causes physical damage every 0.25 seconds and gives Wukong invisibility and movement speed at the same time, as shown in the video by VenoMystic
The best top lane tips
Help your team succeed
There is a lot to learn when you start League of Legendss. Champion selection is a personal choice. If you want to increase your chances of winning, choosing a champion from S+ or S is the best choice. If you are playing for fun, choose any top lane champion from the list above.
Top Lane is about preparing your team for success by Ganks and Tower Divesbut don’t rush. The top lane is vulnerable to team attacks, especially at the beginning. Avoid pushing too far too early and Place protective spells in any bushes you see.
The top track can be isolating – after all, you are going there alone, but it won’t stay that way for long. If you have an excellent junglerYou will often have visitors. Expect the same from the opposing team and make sure you are prepared.
Don’t be afraid to leave your lane to help your team when needed. If you are in the top lane, you also have easy access to Baron Nashorwhich appears in the Baron Pit after 20 seconds.
Keep an eye on the map and ping frequently to let your team know when enemies disappear into the jungle.
No matter who you play, make sure you know your champion’s abilities and buy items specifically tailored to your champion’s build. If you’re playing a brawler, focus on defense and damage.
Tanks should buy items that build armor and regenerate health. Remember, Breeding minionsespecially at the beginning. Since League of Legends The top lane is a solo lane. You can farm all your minions, which gives you more XP and helps you level up faster.
Video source: VenoMystic/YouTube