Team roper Harold Green has lived a cowboy lifestyle since he was a child. His passion for being a cowboy began at a young age, and to this day, the 84-year-old can be found in the roping area or at home watching the Cowboy Channel.
“I’ve had a good life. I’ve enjoyed it to the fullest. Cowboys have always been my thing. I’ve ridden horses all my life and worked as a cowboy and did a lot of lassoing and still do. In fact, I’m going to lasso this afternoon. My horse is already saddled,” he said, laughing.
As a young child, Green grew up in poverty, but always had a strong desire to lasso. His father never allowed him to lasso the cattle that belonged to them because they were his moneymaker.
“I didn’t get to lasso at home, and (his dad) told me if I got out on my own, I could lasso as much as I wanted. And that’s what I did,” he said.
Green started team roping at age 18. A few decades later, he’s still doing his best to keep up with the young guns.
Green is an avid fan of The Cowboy Channel and is good friends with the one and only Katy Lucas.
“We love the Cowboy Channel. I’ll tell you, I usually turn on the Cowboy Channel at nine o’clock and it’s on. My wife turns it off when I’m sleeping. So it’s on from nine in the morning until … nine or ten at night,” Green said.
Katy and her husband Jens often visit Green and lasso with him, and he still tries to outdo Katy at lassoing.
“She’s such a great person. We just love her to death. She’s also really good at lassoing. She’s one of those people where I have to be on my toes when she comes over and lassos because otherwise she’ll beat me. I try to lasso faster than her every time she comes here. But I try to out-lasso anyone who comes here,” Green said.
Green doesn’t know anyone, especially in his area, who is an older roper than he is, but he believes that’s what keeps him young.
“I guess that’s what keeps me young and going. I don’t know anything but work and rope. And I’m getting so old I can’t do much work anymore. I give up,” he said. “When I get in the lasso pen, I seem to last a little longer, so… I guess I never get tired of lassoing.”