LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) – Jefferson County Public Schools school buses are picking up students on their way back to the classroom.
The first day of the 2024-2025 school year for Kentucky’s largest school district is Thursday, August 8.
JCPS officials hope that more school bus drivers and fewer routes will be the key to a smooth start to the morning and avoid a repeat of last year.
Last year, the last student wasn’t dropped off at home until around 10 p.m. on the first day of school. JCPS Superintendent Dr. Marty Pollio said the last students are expected to be home around 7:30 p.m. on Thursday because the school district is being more careful on the first day, making sure students get on the right school bus and get off at the right stops.
School bus service isn’t the only big change for JCPS this year.
The school district again has three school start times:
- 7:30 a.m.
- 8:40 am
- 9:40 am
Last school year there were nine different start times, but JCPS Superintendent Pollio said returning to three start times is better for everyone.
This story will be updated throughout the first day of school.
Click here to access “Bus Driver” information for school bus stop information.
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