
Galaxy Revival – Locus Online

Galaxy Revival – Locus Online

Galaxy Case

Starship Sloane Publishing has announced the revival of the classic SF magazine Galaxy Science Fictionoriginally published from 1950 to 1980, with a brief revival in the 1990s.

The journal will be brought back in both print and digital formats “for a contemporary audience, showcasing authors from both the original edition and beyond, from today’s global science fiction landscape, with works from seven countries.”

Writers and artists include Eugen Bacon, FJ Bergmann, Eliane Boey, Ronan Cahill, AJ Dalton, Bob Eggleton, Zdravka Evtimova, David Gerrold, Richard Grieco, Rodney Matthews, Bruce Pennington, Daniel Pomarède, Gareth L. Powell, Christopher Ruocchio, Paulo Sayeg, Robert Silverberg, Nigel Suckling and Dave Vescio.

The cover of the first new issue, No. 263, is by Bruce Pennington.

The same company was revived Worlds of IF last year.

For more information, visit

Further details on the history of galaxysee the entry in Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.

Locus magazine, science fiction fantasy

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