Capcom recently released a trailer for the X-Men: Children of the Atom Trailer of her Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade classic Game. This was Capcom’s first fighting game for the Marvel series. Or Earth-30847, if you like. Cyclops, Wolverine, Psylocke, and some of the best X-Men face off against Magneto and some of the most popular characters from the series.
Directly after Super Street Fighter 2, Capcom took over the series position The Punisher and created a versus game to literally kick off a memorable collaboration. Compared to their flagship fighting game series, X-Men had a faster feel and the continuation of the action after a round was similar to Killer instinct.
Bengus’ interpretation of Jim Lee’s series of X-Men gave Marvel’s most popular family after the X-Men a new look The animated series. Several voice actors have reprised their roles for the game. Akuma also makes an appearance in the game. Training mode can be seen here, with both hit and injury boxes displayed. The gallery also includes several sketches of characters to better understand their backgrounds. No definitive release date has been given for the collection yet.
Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade classic will be available for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC later this year. If you’re wondering why there’s no Xbox version, we’ve got you covered.